Flourish membership

Know before you go: First session

What to expect during your first session with a Flourish coach.

The Flourish team
Women smiles into video call on a laptop.
Here are the basics
  • Your Flourish journey starts with a free coaching session, hosted by a credentialed expert— dietitian, therapist, board certified health coach
  • Before the first session, you’ll complete an activity to understand your goals and clarify what you hope to gain from the experience
  • During the first session, you and your coach will explore your history, goals, and begin crafting a personalized plan to move forward
  • After your first session, you can choose to upgrade to Sprout ($49 / month) or Bloom ($179 / month) if it feels like Flourish is a good fit for you
  • With Sprout you’ll have chat access to your coach and one session per month, whereas with Bloom you’ll have chat & one session per week. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime. See all of our pricing info here.

Want more first session intel?

Check out this mock session recording:

Some questions your coach may ask you in session:
  1. Tell me about your past diet history… What’s worked for you in the past? What hasn’t?
  2. Imagine yourself 6-12 months from now— what will be different then? How are you defining success here?
  3. What thoughts, feelings, and behaviors will accompany that success?
  4. What sort of support or guidance do you think would be most helpful in your journey? (It’s ok if you don’t know yet!)

Some considerations to make with your coach:
  1. Weekly or monthly coaching sessions? Many members start with weekly to kick things off, and then step down to monthly when they’re ready.
  2. Frequency of chat check-ins?‍ With either paid membership level, you’ll get unlimited chat with your coach, but you can decide how often you’d like to hear from them.
  3. Is there a small group you’d be a good fit for?‍ If community is your thing, your coach can recommend a small group program to join.

What happens after you join?
Check out this podcast to learn more about what to expect in your first month(s) of Flourish, or email care@weflourish.com with any additional questions you may have!

Headshot of Claire Siegel
Claire Siegel
Co-founder, CEO
Claire Siegel is the founder and CEO of Flourish. Claire has made it her life’s mission to help women create a sustainable approach to their physical and mental well-being.
Headshot of Elizabeth Hatley
Elizabeth Van Dyke
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Elizabeth is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor who is passionate about helping women live their life to the fullest without being a prisoner to diet culture.
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